Most people might not have heard about puzzle diamond rings that are made using basic metal choices. Majority of such rings may resemble paper clips because of their unique shape and pattern.
Customers who are in the market to buy engagement rings with precious gemstones will be surprised to hear that some gemstones have the ability to bring good luck and success to the wearer.
Small diamonds and/or diamond halo complement a large pearl ring setting perfectly. As diamonds are the hardest gemstone as per Mohs’ scale, pearl’s luster matches it superbly.
Most of the standard diamond ring prongs come with curved ends and they hold diamonds in place by gripping them right from the top. These rounded prongs often lie flat on the gemstone’s surface. Customers who are looking for a new setting for the diamond ring should consider the V-prong diamond setting. The prongs in this diamond setting are shaped...
Diamond accents, which are also known as accent diamonds or side stones, are small diamonds that contain a simple cut. Diamond accents are often used around the center stone of a diamond ring in order to improve its overall appeal.