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  1. Reasons to Go with a Solitaire Engagement Ring

    Reasons to Go with a Solitaire Engagement Ring
    Solitaire diamonds are trending hugely these days. As a customer, you would be hard pressed to find a better style to go with, especially if you are a fan of the traditional.
  2. Popular Shapes of Plain Wedding Rings

    Popular Shapes of Plain Wedding Rings
    Plain diamond engagement rings comprise of understated diamond settings that do not make the stone stand out as much as most styles these days. However, there is another option worth considering if you want to downplay the appearance of your ring: ditch the diamond.
  3. Involving your Girlfriend in Picking the Engagement Ring

    Involving your Girlfriend in Picking the Engagement Ring
    Surveys around the world have found that a third of women want to be intimately involved in the process of buying their diamond engagement rings. Another equal portion of the female population wants to give nothing more than a few inputs on design and style.
  4. Incomparable Designs of Diamond Eternity Rings for Women

    Incomparable Designs of Diamond Eternity Rings for Women
    An eternity diamond ring is usually gifted to your better half in order to mark an important milestone in your relationship. For instance, the occasions such as your anniversary, the birth of your child, etc.
  5. How to Beautify your Solitaire

    How to Beautify your Solitaire
    A 1-carat solitaire princess cut diamond ring is a beautiful thing to behold. The style is one of the timeless ones jewelers have managed to devise over the centuries. A solitaire cut allows maximum light entry so that the ring sparkles at its best. It is also well-liked because it is simple and elegant, and because it is a wallet-friendly design.
  6. How is a Wedding Ring Different from an Engagement Ring?

    How is a Wedding Ring Different from an Engagement Ring?
    There are many things to consider when buying a ring for the first time. Did you know that a lot of people use the terms “engagement ring” and “wedding ring” interchangeably? These are both the main ring a woman wears to show men that she is committed to someone else.
  7. Getting the Best Price for an Engagement Ring

    Getting the Best Price for an Engagement Ring
    Most folks do not buy something as costly as a diamond engagement ring every day. This means they have to stay vigilant when it comes to ensuring they get the best value when purchasing, say, a 1 ct diamond solitaire engagement ring.

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