Imagine one fine day, looking down at your beautiful 3-carat diamond engagement ring, and finding that one of the prongs holding the centerpiece is bent or cracked.
Resizing a ring often requires soldering the metal in a precise manner, and ensuring that the ring itself does not lose the beauty and comfort it used to bring.
Plenty of people love to buy loads of stuff when they are on vacation, and for some, this includes jewelry, which they got for a lot less than back home.
After a diamond is cut to the desired shape, there is another operation that needs to be performed in order to give it the appearance that attracts all kinds of people – polishing.
Bezel rings are a special design, which has gained popularity in recent years. This design is preferred because it offers more protection to the center diamond.
It is quite normal that you sometimes do not prefer to keep diamonds anymore. It might be because you want a new one in exchange or you just want to get rid of the memories linked to your old circular diamond rings.