Owing to their comparative anonymity, the supply of them meets the demand for them and sets the price along with the lower-ranged colored diamonds, like yellow and brown ones.       In the recent past, the demand constantly increased causing supply issues, which obviously caused an increase in price. As in colored diamond rings, most of the ring’s value is derived from the gemstone’s price. As a result, the price of a gray diamond engagement ring is also on the rise. Assuming it is not an extremely elaborate ring, the actual ring’s price differs (it varies for the setting), and is based primarily on the gold weight in grams and side stones’ price (if they exist). In general, you should rather expect to pay around $500 for the solitaire ring, and up to about $1,500 on a ring with diamond-encrusted split shank and a halo encircling the center stone. The price of custom-made engagement rings featuring melee diamonds is lofty. Custom settings are recommended since colored diamonds’ cut is typically not an ideal one and is set to maximize it's color potential, not the light “flow” as in colorless counterparts.     Typically, the gray gems are mounted onto platinum or white gold and feature white diamonds. As gray is comparatively not a strong color, and in weaker tones rather close to the white color, it is key that white diamonds chosen by you are of the highest possible quality in color at least, so that also will create contrast.