Fancy colored diamonds are mostly expensive and may cost you a fortune if you go for a big stone featuring intense hue and saturation. Nonetheless, natural black diamonds are much more affordable when compared to other colored diamonds that come in blue, yellow, and red. What’s more, some fancy black diamonds even cost much less than a colorless stone. Usually, a natural black diamond of 1-carat costs around $3000, whereas a lab created a black diamond of the same carat weight will cost just about $300. This is because it is more difficult to cut a natural black diamond when compared to a lab created one. However, note that this makes well-polished and smoothly cut black diamonds more expensive. If you were buying Art Deco black diamond ring, and it is priced very high, you can rest assured that the center stone in the ring is a natural one. This is because the modern technologies that are used to create lab-enhanced black diamonds were not available to jewelers of that era. Still, it would be wiser to check the documentation and certification details of the black diamond before making a purchase, so that you can make sure you are not buying a fake stone.