Asscher cut diamond rings are a great choice for you if you like the emerald cut, but need a sparkling square shape as the centerpiece instead. The Asscher cut has sleek geometric designs and has an entirely different look to that of round brilliant cut. Diamond ring Asscher cut has a step cut stone as the center stone, and it looks quite amazing on slender fingers. Though both the emerald cut as well as the Asscher cut are step cuts, the key difference between these two diamonds is that the emerald cut is rectangular in shape, while the Asscher cut has a square shape. Yet another main difference between diamond ring Asscher cut and an emerald cut is the backside of the stone. In an emerald, the facets step down at the back of the stone and meet in a ridge or line. On the other hand, in Asscher cut, the facets meet at a single point that creates an “X” shape when you look down at the table of the diamond.