If you are planning to buy yellow diamond engagement ring and wondering which design and style to go for, keep in mind that the diamonds come in different color hues. If you are planning to go all the way down to the diamond color grade, make it a point to check out those falling within X-Y-Z grading with lightest of yellow hues. Yet again, if you want something less expensive, there are other hues to consider within the same color too. Yellow diamonds are an ideal choice to propose marriage, but make sure your would-be is pleased with the color. For starters, get to know her diamond jewelry tastes and figure out if she fancies the idea of wearing a yellow diamond ring. One of the best ways to do that is to look up her search patterns regarding diamond jewelry on the internet. The more you search for a product on the internet, such as a yellow diamond in this context, the more they appear everywhere each time one surfs the web. So if you ever glance over your partner’s shoulder and see an advertisement for a specific color diamond, that may be a good indicator as to what she has searched for in the past. Apart from that, you can also ask her friends and family members about her diamond jewelry preferences, but do make sure they keep your proposal idea a secret.