This might be true to a certain extent because diamonds all over the world are graded based on four main criteria – color, cut, clarity, and carat. While cut determines the brilliance, and carat the weight, clarity determines the actual quality of diamonds.



The Basics of VVS Diamonds

Diamond clarity is determined by the presence of blemishes and the number of flaws in the diamond. VVS diamonds or Very Very Slightly Included diamonds are those where the inclusions cannot be detected by naked eyes. Some say that the flaws in VVS diamonds are difficult to see clearly even with 10x magnification. Thus, these are known for their exceptionally high grades in terms of clarity.

VVS diamonds are further divided into VVS1 and VVS2 subcategories. The major difference between the two lies in the positioning of the inclusions. While VVS1 stones have inclusions closer to the edge of the stone, VVS2 diamonds have inclusions towards the center. The internal flaws in VVS1 diamonds are difficult to spot from a face-up view. Hence, these are placed higher than VVS2 diamonds on the quality scale. Anyways, both are recommended by diamond jewelry experts for their eye-clean nature and unmatched sparkle.